Tarjetas de crédito
Reseña de la tarjeta de crédito Fortiva Mastercard®
We have done a complete review of the Fortiva Mastercard credit card for you. Continue your reading and see everything we have to say from the pros and cons about the card and much more information.
The Fortiva Credit Card is an option offered by the Bank of Missouri
We know that choosing the right credit card can make a difference if we think about the long term, don’t we? With that in mind, in this article we will tell you what are the benefits, advantages and disadvantages of the Fortiva Mastercard credit card. So that you understand if he’s really worth it to you.
If you are starting your financial life now or even restoring your credit score, you have certainly come across the misfortune of having a credit card denied due to your low credit score, right?
But with the Fortiva Mastercard you won’t have to. Especially because this is an excellent option for beginners who are looking for a safe and reliable card.
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Learn about the advantages of the Fortiva Mastercard credit card
It is important to know that the first great advantage of this credit card is the fact that it does not have a guarantee requirement for those people who have a very low credit score. For that reason, this card can be attractive in that it doesn’t require an initial security deposit.
And for those people who like practicality, know what you can ask for. The approval of your credit card just by sending an email, which makes everything much easier, as you don’t have to go to an agency or face queues. However, by email, you will only be able to request pre-approval, which does not guarantee that you will receive the card, but based on the requirements which are generally very basic, it is likely that you will get your approval.
To conclude the list of advantages of this credit card, it is important to know that it has an optional credit protection program. In this way, it is possible that you will have the payment of your debt in up to 6 months in case you become unemployed, incapacitated or even hospitalized during this period. And if you choose to use this program, if there is a death, the program will completely cancel your outstanding debt up to a certain amount. To do so, all you have to do is pay a minimum fee for every 100 USD of outstanding balance.
From $49 to $ 175 for the first year, and thereafter from $0 to $49 annually.
$ 60-$159 annually (billed monthly).
Up to $41.
$19 to add another user to your account.
What are the requirements to apply for this card
First of all, you need to know that you must be of legal age to apply for this credit card. That is, be 18 years of age or older. In general, this requirement is required by all financial institutions that consider that when you are of legal age, you already have financial responsibility for dealing with your credit card. In addition, you will be required to provide personal documents, proof of residency and proof of address.
Finally, your credit score will be analyzed. However, as we mentioned earlier, this analysis is not very detailed and you can be accepted even without having a very high credit score.
Know the disadvantages of this credit card
In general, the disadvantages of this card involve the fact that the rates and fees charged can be very high. Which makes it not such a viable option for those who want to save on fees.
In addition, the card charges an annual fee and you must pay even if you are not using the card at the time. That is, you must worry about paying annual fees, account maintenance fees and the APR is considered very high by users.
Finally, these fees and charges can be very costly and represent a not very advantageous option in the long term for customers who want to build a positive credit history.
How to order your card?
How now, do you already know what are the requirements for ordering this card? You’re probably interested in ordering yours right away, aren’t you? And we are going to tell you the first big advantage in this case that you can request a pre-approval through an offer by email and it works as follows: through the email of the financial institution responsible for administering the card, you will send an offer with your data.
This way, they will respond to you with a pre-approval. In that case, it is important to know that you will be able to access the chances of approval and this will not affect your credit score. And after reaching out via email, you can get immediate approval or even rejection. Because your situation will be analyzed and, if the bank considers it unfounded, it will not approve your request.
Therefore, you can make the request directly through the website as well and just fill out a form with the necessary information. In this way, after duly filling out this form to your request, it will undergo an analysis and, in case of approval, you will have the answer given in your e-mail and you will receive your card at the registered address. That is, if your request is approved, you will receive your card and simply unlock it to start using it and enjoy all the advantages it offers.
Is the Fortiva Mastercard credit card worth it?
Now we come to the crucial moment of our article, we will tell you whether this card is worth it. However, first of all, it is important to point out that we are not affiliated nor have any agreements with this credit card company. For this reason, the opinion that we will give here is completely unbiased, sincere and honest, based on the advantages and disadvantages that the credit card presents.
Therefore, you need to know that card interest rates, if they are all compared together, can become a bad option in the long run. This means that as much as the bank does not require a security deposit and attracts many people who have a very low credit score, this card in the long term can represent a high charge of fees and fees.
By this we mean that in case you have the ability to make an initial security deposit. And if you have an average or good credit score, you can find other credit cards that offer more perks and lower fees. Like for example, some other similar credit cards that don’t charge annual fees. What does not occur in the case of stealth Mastercard. Which initially charges an annual fee of 49 to 175 USD for the first year of use.
In addition, of course, account maintenance, which costs from 60 to 159 USD per year. And that represents a very high amount, if at all. With this, we can conclude that, if you have the financial capacity to pay the fees for this card, know that if you evaluate other options, you will be able to opt for a secure credit card through a deposit and that offers more benefits and lower fees.
Also check out the Wells Fargo Active Cash Card
If you want to evaluate another credit card option with attractive advantages, click on the button below and learn more about the Wells Fargo Active Cash Card.
Wells Fargo Active Cash
Find out in this article what are the requirements, advantages and disadvantages of the Wells Fargo Active Cash credit card!
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