Ascent Student Loan Review: Get up to 100% of your school tuiton covered
You need to read these Ascent loan reviews! There are several advantages and disadvantages that we will demonstrate. Keep reading and see the huge review.
If you wish to know more about good student loans, search more about Ascent
Hello again, have you absorbed all the info you needed from the last article? Are you at least a bit interested in this company? Yes? Great, then keep reading. College can be hard, specially in two stages: the first one is when you are freshly out of high school, that new space and place is different and scary, but it won’t be too bad. The second one is when you are already an older person, but are only able to go to college now, and you may feel a little dejected, but it is normal, and I know everything will be fine.
The bigger problem is that you need to pay for it. That huge amount of money, oh well, where will you find it? Maybe you could try asking for a loan, and I have the perfect choice. Ascent has some amazing student loans that any student from any age can enjoy and utilize. If you got interested, then keep reading this article, so you can find the pros and cons.
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What are the pros about Ascent loan?
After hours and hours of research for the perfect student loan company, you found yourself here, with Ascent. To honor your endeavor, I will be telling some of the pros that this company has. The first one is that this company has one of the best payments’ flexibility. That means that after you apply for the loan, you won’t have to choose between one payment and that payment only, you can choose from various and your favorite.
The next one is that you can actually check your credit score and if you are able to qualify for the loan without the use of a hard credit check. You may ask, “well, what is the difference between a hard credit check and a normal one?”, well, there is a big difference: while the normal checking will just be made and won’t affect anything withing you, the hard credit check goes deep into your history, and will affect your credit score, making it lower, and no one wants that. So with this feature, you won’t have to worry about those problems.
What are the cons of getting a loan with Ascent?
Now that we saw the pros, how about we get into the cons? What, you thought I would only say good stuff? Well, too bad, I won’t. The first con is that if you are a student, and you are enrolled in less than half-time, then you won’t be qualified for the loan.
This is awful, not only because it gets fewer clients for the company, but because less than half-time students usually only go so little because they work during the day, and most of them really need that extra money.
Another not very nice con is that, if you are an international student, you will not be able to get a cosigner. This is also super bad because international students might be the ones that need it the most, coming to a new country without any knowledge in how that country works, it is probably better that they have a caretaker with them while they make their decisions.
¿Qué necesito para solicitar el préstamo?
For our last point, we will be talking about what you need to do and need to be, to be able to apply for a loan with Ascent. To work with Ascent you will need to follow a certain number of rules where you have to be, as the most obvious one, since it is college loans, over eighteen, or at the same age.
To apply for it, you also need to be a US citizen, or an international student with a cosigner that is a US citizen or a permanent one.
How can I apply for a loan with Ascent?
Before you ever apply to any company, I must advise you in something: never choose a random loan company, never. Your choice must be made rationally and with a lot of care and searches, first search all the companies you are interested, or some random ones, read about them, and then you compare them. If at the end of all that, Ascent is the one that fits you best, then you can keep reading.
First, you must google the official website of the company, just write its name and click search, then you find the first link, and you will be redirected to another page. That page will be the one where you will apply for the loan. Once you start the application, you will see that there are a lot of blank spaces to fill in, but don’t panic, those are just basically personal information like name, birthday, state, city, social security number, and of course, the amount you wish to apply.
After that you must click in continue, and then you will be redirected to another page where you will see, once again, more blank spaces. There, once again, don’t panic, it’s just more basic stuff, like payment method, income, if you own a house, all of that bureaucracy stuff. Once that is done, you will apply, and you will have to wait for an answer from the company. It usually doesn’t take long before the response, but the money will take some time to get.
How can I contact with Ascent?
To contact the company, you must, once again, visit their official page. When you get there you will be able to see the frequently asked questions at the top of the screen, you click on it and see if your question is there, if it isn’t, then you must go back to the initial page and scroll all the way down so that you can find their contacts. You can contact them for anything related to the loans, so don’t be shy and if you have some doubts, call them.
¿Es realmente bueno este préstamo?
This is where you should already have an opinion formed, but it is okay if you don’t, because I will give you mine. Ascent is a company that gives off student loans for any kind of student and course. Their loans are actually pretty good, and their payment methods are super easy. They must have made it like this since it was for students, but anyway, it is a good company, and I feel like, if it fits your best interests, then give it a try.
Know more about College Ave loan!
Take a look at another amazing student loans company! College Ave has some really good and interesting deals, some amazing qualities and pretty positive reviews from a lot of clients that are satisfied with their work! If you still want to look for more student loan companies, then you should definitely learn a bit more about this one. Click on the link below and see.
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